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Our Mission


We, the community of Believers of St. Ignatius Catholic church, are committed to the celebration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Gifted by the Holy Spirit, we are called to continue our Catholic Christian Heritage through faith-filled liturgies, hospitality, evangelization, family life, and life-long education. With God's grace we will build up the Body of Christ by sharing our time, talents & treasures with our community, our Diocese, as well as the people throughout the world.

Guidelines for the Reception of Communion
St. Ignatius-Mt. Calvary Cemetery Burial Directives

Announcements and Upcoming Community Events


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Please give your CSA donation/pledge directly to Diocese of Gaylord by using this link or by a check made out to The Diocese of Gaylord CSA (in the memo, be sure to designate your CSA funds to St. Ignatius Parish, Rogers City) and mailed to 611 West North Street, Gaylord, MI 49735.  


Online Giving
Rental Forms
Food Pantry

We collect the first weekend of every month. Please leave your non-perishable food items as well as baby formula (Infamil), diapers, booties, receiving blankets, the boxes at either side of the alter.

Local Weather


Rosary Before Mass​

We will continue to say the rosary 1/2 hour before each weekend Mass for “Healing for those in need at St. Ignatius Parish. Join us in prayer for our parish family.


For all Parishioners 

Even though you may have been a parishioner for many years, St. Ignatius parish is requesting updated registration forms for all current and new parishioners. This information is vital to our parish. Blank registration forms are available at each entrance of the church, on the parish website, and at the parish office. Please include as much information as possible. Your current envelope number may be recorded on your registration, or record your desire to receive contribution envelopes if you are not receiving them at the present time. Completed registration forms may be returned to the parish office or placed in the collection basket.​​


Child Protection

Child Protection.jpg
Join our Parish
Mass Schedule
Daily Masses:
Tuesday,  5:30 pm
Wednesday - Friday, 8:30 am
Weekend Masses:
Saturday, 4:30 pm
Sunday, 9:00 am
Saturday, 3:00 pm


Sick and Homebound

Call the Parish Office.

(989) 734 - 2753

Council Meetings

Pastoral Council Minutes 

January 9, 2023 


Pastoral Council meets @ 6:00 p.m.

The next meeting:

July 17, 2023


Finance Council meets @ 6:00 p.m.

The next meeting:

November 6, 2023

Recent Photos
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Have you recently taken pictures at a St. Ignatius event?
Submit St.Ignatius Photos
Catholic Links

If you would like your event published in the bulletin, please call the parish office at 734-2753. It is important that you call by Friday, one week prior to the bulletin publication.

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